What Is ‘Self-Care’ and How Do We Do It Effectively?

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Self-care is a general term describing anything you do to take care of yourself so you can maintain or improve your mental, emotional, or physical wellness. It is commonly associated with how we can pamper ourselves for a single day, like planning a spa day or going to the salon.

While these one-off occasions are one of the ways we can recharge, we can look at self-care as something deeper.

Here are some ways we can take care of ourselves that will have a long-lasting impact:

1. Practice self-awareness

Be mindful about your decisions, thought patterns, emotions, and how you interact with others in a continuous effort towards self-improvement.

2. Set boundaries

While it is great that you strive for excellence at work, you may notice that you are staying in the office longer than necessary, and this is reducing the amount of quality time you spend with your family. Setting boundaries within the different spheres of your life can help you allocate the appropriate amount of energy to your various activities.

3. Ensure that your stress outlets remain part of your routine

Don’t forget to add some time for de-stressing to your daily schedule. This could be anything from exercise, spending time with loved ones, or hobbies. De-stressing can help you regain your strength and energy so you can continuously persevere through any challenge.

4. Prioritize authentic relationships

Identify the relationships in your life that help strengthens your resilience and help you grow as a person. Cultivating these relationships strengthen our support network and are key for our personal growth.

5. Learn how to self-soothe

Our ability to speak to ourselves with kindness when things go wrong helps us become more motivated, confident, and productive people.

Did You Know?

Therapy helps equip you with coping mechanisms despite life’s stressors. If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, we invite you to book a session with one of our licensed psychologists.

If your organization is interested in availing of mental healthcare support, reach us at letstalk@mindyou.com.ph or visit www.mindyou.com.ph.

If you are an individual looking to book therapy sessions, visit www.mindyou.com.ph/public for more details.