4 Things You Need To Know About Stress

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4 Things You Need To Know About Stress


Four Things To Know About Stress

Most of us experience stress at varying levels throughout our daily lives; it manifests in different ways depending on our internal and external circumstances. Although there are days when stress can strike us particularly hard, learning the different kinds of stress that exist can help us manage them.

The different types of stress:

  1. Routine stress over daily responsibilities, school, work and/or family

  2. Stress triggered by negative events, such as losing one’s job, divorces, deaths, etc. 

  3. Traumatic stress, which is experienced as a result of traumatic events such as car accidents, natural disasters, assault, war, etc.

While we can’t always control our circumstances, we can control how we react to them. Here are some things to remember:

Not all stress is bad for you. Stress can act as motivators to take action or to prioritise something, such as when you have a looming deadline or you’re about to interview for a new job. In life-threatening situations, stress is what prepares the body to engage in its fight or flight mode. Your muscles tense and your pulse quickens. As you breathe faster, your brain uses more oxygen, which increases cognitive activity. 

Long-term stress can harm your health. Stress can manifest into physical symptoms if left ignored. In the short term, some people may experience problems with their digestion, insomnia, migraine headaches, irritability, sadness or anger. In the longer term, sustained stress may lead to conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease, or mental health disorders such as anxiety or depression. So it is important to notice your behaviour and get help early before your stress turns into a potential problem.

Stress can be managed. Take note of your stressors and how you react to them. Ensure you have your “de-stressors”, or your outlets, such as exercise or fun activities as part of your routine to help combat the effects of stress. Take on a more focused approach when it comes to your tasks by making a list of priorities, and knowing when to say ‘no’ to something to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Have honest and open conversations about your mental wellbeing with your loved ones so that you don’t always keep what is stressing you bottled up inside. Finally, turn to a professional if you need further support.

If your organization is interested in availing of mental healthcare support, reach us at letstalk@mindyou.com.ph or visit www.mindyou.com.ph.

If you are an individual looking to book therapy sessions, visit www.mindyou.com.ph/public for more details.