On December 17, 2021, Mind You held its annual Christmas party to go back to its roots and commemorate the milestones it has accomplished throughout the year in the mental health space. The event sought to celebrate the hard work of every individual in the company, and recognised the top performers of the year across all departments. However, the highlight of the night was to pay tribute to Mind You’s frontliners, the Psychologists, who make our mission and vision possible. The Psychologists are the first people to touch base with the public, they are in essence delivering the connection and service that Mind You aims to provide for 1,000,000 Filipinos by 2025.
To work in the mental health space in a country that has a cultural stigma towards it is already a challenge to begin with. However, throughout the pandemic, it was evident that more Filipinos are beginning to open up about their mental health challenges. This, in turn, has brought to light the need for a shift in perspective on how we perceive mental health. In ending this stigma, the psychologists are those at the forefront selflessly devoting time, energy, and passion, serving the people to the best of their capabilities, despite the challenges they are facing throughout the unprecedented brought about by the pandemic. Truly, their hard work and their unrelenting dedication are the gifts that keep on giving in these interesting times.
To the Psychologists of Mind You, thank you for holding the torch for us. It is because of your commitment and tremendous effort that we are where we are today. As we begin the New Year, we want to express our utmost gratitude. We are grateful for each and every one of you and are excited to partner with you on this journey in making truly transformational change happen, one therapy session at a time.