Mind You Management Training & Wellness Immersion in Puerto Galera

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At Mind You, it is important that we are able to provide opportunities for growth for our team in both a professional and personal capacity. It is equally as important that we recognise that, no matter how passionate we all are about our mission to transform mental health in the Philippines, we cannot do this if we do not take time to rest and recharge.

Tucked away in a quiet corner of Boquete Island, Puerto Galera, we were able to achieve both. The business training consisted of studying proven business strategies and frameworks of successful organisations, followed by focused learning groups to discuss all new learnings and how to cross-pollinate them into Mind You. Another goal of the trip was to achieve interdepartmental alignment, and the breadth of the material covered helped us achieve this objective. The content covered various departments, including Marketing, Sales, HR and Accounting, which allowed the attending managers and associates to achieve two things:

  • Provide strategic management skills and collaborative team frameworks for managers in each department, and
  • Develop a deep connection and understanding of how various departments are inter-connected to the organisation’s overall vision, mission and goals

While the priority was team alignment, being surrounded by nature also meant an opportunity for personal alignment as well. We began each day with a daily practice facing the sun, which included guided meditations, free-flow dancing, learning about new breathing techniques such as the Wim Hof Breathing method, and ice bath plunging. The team spent short breaks and early finishes at night swimming in the ocean, snorkeling and exploring the island, which was much-welcomed, much-needed bonding time outside of our office space.

The immersive learning experience paved the way for professional and personal breakthroughs for those attending. The business training in conjunction with the daily immersive behavioural health practices allows us to really practice what we preach. We all came away feeling inspired, rejuvenated and recentered in our personal and collective energies: all necessary ingredients to prepare us for a ground-breaking year ahead.

An energised and newly inspired team says goodbye to Puerto Galera

If your organization is interested in availing of mental healthcare support, reach us at letstalk@mindyou.com.ph or visit www.mindyou.com.ph.

If you are an individual looking to book therapy sessions, visit www.mindyou.com.ph/public for more details.