Investing in proper mental healthcare reduces these costs and increases the productivity of your workforce = 2.3x Return on Investment
Why Mind You?
What can we offer your organization in this
Mind You programs for both large enterprises and SMEs support the compliance with the Mental Health Act (RA 11036) and offers assistance with Mental Health Policy creation or review.
Beyond utilization, Mind You provides company leaders an overview of the company’s mental and work health through the lens of the employees.
Decreases the perceived conflict of interest which allows for higher employee engagement, utilization, and transparency. In addition, Mind You meets with local and global standards for confidentiality.
Mental Health First Aid Trainings provided to leaders and supported by additional management resources on how to promote mental health in their respective teams.
With the comprehensive approach of providing education, training, access to professional help, data monitoring, paired with the company management’s support, Mind You ultimately aims for healthier, happier, and more productive employees.
Our preventative care includes identifying and escalating any high-risk users to be immediately given the appropriate care and program. This includes provisions for interventions, if needed.
Our Enterprise Packages
Browse the packages that we can offer your company
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Are you ready to take the next step in your organization’s mental well-being?
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